DIGItal Tools to help AgroForestry meet climate, biodiversity and farming sustainability goals: linking field and cloud

July 2022 to June 2026
digital data
farm sustainability
farm viability
value chain
policy development
climate change adaptation
climate change mitigation
common agricultural policy
agroforestry systems
International Centre For Research In Agroforestry (Kenya)
Research fields
Agriculture and Food Sciences

Agroforestery (AF) has already proven its potential for farm sustainability, climate change mitigation; adaptation, biodiversity preservation, and soil conservation. However, AF performances are context-dependent, and many barriers hinder its adoption, such as lack of tools for decision-making, assessing economic, environmental, social benefits, and monitoring of policies and their impact on AF. DigitAF will boost AF implementation in the EU and beyond thanks to the co-development of digital tools tailored to the needs and concerns of DigitAF target groups.