Globalised Africa: Virtual International Interdisciplinary Conference



Africa might be construed as the centre of the world historically. More than other continents, it has been the ground for earliest waves of human evolution, intrusions, conquests, and mixings. Geographically, all the other continents appear to surround it in a manner that affirms its place as a continent of primordial origins. As the most diverse continent on the planet, with an ecosystem, biodiversity, and genetic variability, Africa, in a sense, contains the world within it, and the world around it simultaneously contains it.

These dual dynamics and all the possibilities and tensions they engender are what we aim to capture with this conference's theme: Globalised Africa - Africa as the microcosm of the globe and Africa within the global order. Globalised Africa dispels the monolithic narratives of a homogeneous Africa as a country. It also examines Africa's presence and impact on the world and its history.

Deadline for the submission of proposals: 13 May 2025

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