Symposium GAPSYM11 'Health in Africa - an interdisciplinary approach'

15-12-2017 from 8:30 to 19:00
Room Vermeylen, Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Ghent
Africa Platform of Ghent University

GAPSYM 11 : 'Health in Africa - an interdisciplinary approach'


9h00 – 9h10: Welcome by Prof. Patrick Van Damme, President of the Africa Platform

9h10 - 9h15: Information about the jubilee edition on 30 years of Afrika Focus, by Dr. Luce

Beeckmans (Advisory Board Africa Platform)

9h15 – 10h00: Keynote lecture by Prof. Paul Wenzel Geissler (University of Oslo): “Africanising science and medicine - the lasting promise”

10h00-10h30: Guest lecture by Prof. em. Jan De Maeseneer (Ghent University): “Primafamed-network: assessment of twenty years of South-South cooperation in primary care in Africa"

10h30-11h00: Coffee break

11h00-13h00: Session 1: Health care, space and materiality in Africa, past and present

[Chaired by Johan Lagae and Koen Stroeken]

13h00-14h00: Lunch

14h00-15h00: Keynote lecture by Mrs. Achieng Renish (Organization Hope for Kabondo, Kenya): “Socio-cultural/ political context with regard to HIV, malnutrition and reproductive health in Kenya & the noble intentions of Western agencies - a personal reflection”

15h00-16h00: Session 2: Health system challenges for donor darlings: perspectives from the ground

[Chaired by Anna Galle and Lies Steurs]

16h00-16h30: Coffee break

16h30-17h30: Session 3: Childhood malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa

[Chaired by Sarah De Saeger, Gerard Bryan Gonzales and Marthe de Boevre]

17h30-19h00 : Reception and kick-off of the African Students Association@AUGent

20h00: Conference Dinner at Muday