14h00: Opening by Prof. Rik Van de Walle, Rector of Ghent University
14h10: General outline AUGent Africa Platform and achievements over the last 15 years (Prof. Karen Büscher, AUGent Africa Platform Chair)
14h30: AUGent representatives testifying about their engagement with Africa
Collaboration between Jimma (Ethiopia) and Ghent University: first dating in 2005, engaged as strategic institutional partners since 2018 (Prof. Luc Duchateau, UGent Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)
Howest’s applied approach in collaboration with African partners (Dr. Frederik D’hulster, HoWest Vice-Rector of Education and International Affairs)
The Open Doors Fellowship Program - For women researchers in Africa (Prof. Laura Cortada-Gonzalez, UGent Faculty of Sciences & Institute of Plant Biotechnology Outreach)
I am not my ancestors. Humasol’s vision to remain relevant as an international solidarity organization (Ir. Michiel Van Cauwelaert, UGent Faculty of Engineering and Architecture)
Bridging research and policy on sexual and reproductive health and rights (Dr. Simukai Shamu, Management Committee Member of the Academic Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy)
Interdisciplinary research on the present and the past of Bantu-speaking Africa (Prof. Koen Bostoen & Dr. Guy Kouatara, UGent Faculty of Arts & Philosophy)
15h30: Coffee break
16h00: Round table with a selection of African Ambassadors on the interaction between academia and policy level (45’ discussion + 45' interaction with/questions from the audience), moderated by Prof. Olivier Degomme (UGent Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences)