The Ghent Africa Platform (GAP) is pleased to announce its 18th Annual Symposium (GAPSYM18), themed "Resources in Africa". The symposia organised by the Ghent University Association (AUGent) Africa Platform have been trendsetting in the Belgian academic landscape over the last 18 years, providing a unique interdisciplinary forum to showcase academic research conducted in collaboration with African-based partners. These gatherings have fostered meaningful dialogue and collaboration across disciplines, contributing to a deeper understanding of Africa’s complexities and opportunities.
The multidimensional concept of Resources and its relation to present-day Africa is the focus of this 18th multidisciplinary conference of the AUGent Africa Platform. Resources in Africa are central to global discussions on sustainability, development, and equity. GAPSYM18 will delve into how resources shape Africa’s socio-economic, environmental, and cultural landscapes and define Africa’s position in today’s globalisation.